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Movies and Psychology
Corse Category
Area 1: Arts and Humanitites
Recent opening semesters
2019-20 Semester A
2022-23 Semester A
Youth in a Changing Society
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Love, Sex, and Relationships: Psychological Perspectives
Psychology for Young Professionals
Happiness: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
2021-22 Semester B
2013-14 Summer
Sexuality, Culture and Diversity
Career Excellence in the 21st Century
2017-18 Semester B
Islam and the Contemporary World
2012-13 Semester B
Violence and Crime
2021-22 Summer
Interpersonal Skills and Positive Personal Development
Ageing Society: Hong Kong and Beyond
2020-21 Semester A
Search for Modern Chinese Self - How to Be "Modern" and "Chinese"?
2016-17 Semester B
Asian Values and Managerial Practices
Eat, Drink, Man, Woman: Cultural Identity of Koreans
The Sounds of the World's Languages