
CityU Course Guide

A course commenting platform for CityU students


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University English


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Some CityUers

John is a very funny guy. He always made us laugh even it was in the morning (9:00am). But his comments were quite useless.

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Some CityUers

一開頭expect C range, 所以睇到呢個grade有意外。

對於我呢D極hea既人黎講,算多野做,但係我全部都係deadline前chur出黎既,所以幾乎份份 (出左分既assignment) 都below mean,應該係最後total計40%個份argumentative essay加infographic加oral present得好,所以重重一拉。

Allan真心好人,我成日send email去煩佢 (鬼叫佢有時講野唔清楚),都好好人好快咁覆email。


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Some CityUers


User Comments

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Christine (BEIE)

Quite useful and systematic.

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Stephen (BBAEC)

The website is a useful reference for us to choose favorable GE courses by providing detailed information.

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It is very useful and help us to know more about GE courses.