
CityU Course Guide

A course commenting platform for CityU students


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University English


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Some CityUers

DSE lv4, bus com 好彩地A-左, 真係冇諗過UE會c range

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Some CityUers

Arthur is a nice tutor. He shared a lot of useful tips for learning English. His lesson is flexible which always tries to teach students practical skills for future academic use. He appreciates students' effort. If you try and work hard in the course, you can easily get good grade. Arthur 話只要見到你努力過, 就唔會低分.

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Some CityUers

pieta成日要我地做group discussion同present, 雖然有d悶,但上堂幾開心,佢好好人

User Comments

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Christine (BEIE)

Quite useful and systematic.

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Stephen (BBAEC)

The website is a useful reference for us to choose favorable GE courses by providing detailed information.

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It is very useful and help us to know more about GE courses.