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Culture and Language in Manga, Anime and Beyond
Corse Category
Area 1: Arts and Humanitites
Recent opening semesters
2016-17 Semester A
Mind, Brain and Language: How Are Beings Special?
2021-22 Semester A
Reading Colonialism and The Modern Experience
2013-14 Semester A
The Cantonese Language in Use: Language, Grammar and Culture
The Sounds of the World's Languages
2021-22 Semester B
The World through Languages
2020-21 Semester A
The Bible: Its History, Literature, and Influence
2019-20 Semester B
Cultural Flows in East Asia
2014-15 Semester B
Data is Beautiful: Visualization in the Humanities
2017-18 Semester B
The Nuclear Imagination: Japan and Beyond
2015-16 Semester B
Language in Art, Invention and Inspiration
Madness and Literature
Humour and Everyday Life
Love, Sex, and Relationships: Psychological Perspectives
2022-23 Semester A
Visual Literacy and Cultural Thinking
2018-19 Semester B
Psychology for Young Professionals