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Identity and Citizenship in a Globalized World
Corse Category
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Recent opening semesters
2021-22 Semester B
Hermits, Lovers, Knights, and Ghosts: A Survey of Pre-modern Chinese Literature in Translation
Area 1: Arts and Humanitites
2015-16 Semester B
Lifestyle Diversity & Choices
2015-16 Semester A
Sustainable Cities for the 21st Century
2014-15 Semester B
The Asian Century: Exploring the Rise of Asia As a Global Powerhouse
2011-12 Semester A
Gender, Culture and Society
2022-23 Semester A
Tourism, development and society
Food: Culture, Science and Society
China in World Affairs
Communication and Teamwork
2017-18 Semester A
Information Management
Personal and Firm Profiling in the Digital Society
2017-18 Semester B
Green Economics